Acknowledgements to for the image Love spells are something we are all familiar with. We have heard about them in faery tales, wished we could cast one on our first crush, and been warned about them by superstitious relatives. I even found a book with love spells in the local library. The cover was pretty but the inside contained some scary stuff. (I never borrowed it, too much bad mojo.) Talking about the existence of spells, with a work colleague last month, she told me about a love spell that had been cast on her brother. When my colleague lived in Albania,( lets call my college Claire ,her brother Dave and the girl Maree) her younger brother had a very possessive girlfriend. The girl was completely in love, and utterly obsessed with Dave. She never let him out of her sight. Needless to say, she went almost everywhere with him, and got angry if he ate at his mother's house when she had prepared dinner. Like with all young men, t...
Acknowledgements to for the image A caul, is generally a piece of the amniotic sac that covers the baby's face during delivery. Babies born as such are said to have special powers. This belief has prevailed over the ages. It has been said that Jesus was born with a caul, however there is no documented evidence of this available to ordinary scholars. Also it was believed that a person in possession of a caul would not drown. Consequently the sale of cauls was profound during the 15-18th centuries. In Charles Dicken's book David Copperfield , the protagonist is said to be born with a caul and is present during the sale of it. A friend of mine, Sam, was born with a caul. The nun present at his birth asked for this veil, which currently remains in the safe keeping of the church, near the hospital grounds. Bearers of the caul are said to be intuitive and sometimes psychic. Sam has often said, he could see things th...
Acknowledgements to for the image. If you believe in God, surely you must believe in Angels and Demons. The question is though; are they here on earth? Can we see them? Will they help or harm us? The following is a story from a nursing student working in an old hospital. Night duty, has been the the fear of most new nurses. Training hospitals are old, creaky and pretty much scary at night. Worst of all, is the one hour break that the 'in-charge nurse' takes, and then you're alone. Alone with the sleeping patients and the sounds of the night. The night-shift for this young nurse was pretty ordinary, buzzers to answer and the usual rounds. A cat came into that night, which was always a bad sign. There have been legends, of cats being 'The Guardians of the Gates of the Underworld' . They apparently send the creatures of the night back to where they come from. The young nurse, chased the cat out of the ward . After her shi...
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