
Showing posts from October, 2014


  Hi Everyone As the hours move us forward to Samhain or Halloween, I thought I might write a few paragraphs on ‘ Halloween a History’ to dispel any misconceptions which have arisen over the past few centuries. Halloween or Samhain pronounced sah-win is a festival of Gaelic origin. It was first documented around the 10 th Century and took place at the end of summer and the beginning of winter, which is around the 31 st of October. This festival was celebrated by Celtic, Scottish and Irish clans. Samhain, celebrated the end of summer with plentiful crops, and the eve of winter a dark time for most. According to Celtic folklore, it was also a time when the gateway to the otherworld was opened and spirits of those who passed were able to revisit the world and their kin. People put out food for their loved ones which is similar to the Hindu festival Pitr Paksha still celebrated today.   It was also believed that on Samhain the fay or sidhe mounds where o...