
Showing posts from January, 2012

Faery Ground

Acknowledgements to for the image There are several legends and stories of faeries. Folk tales from all around the world, talk of the little people and how they help, or harm humans. Its true, these tales may be centuries old, but what have happened to the faeries ? Are they still amongst us, or have they died off, due to the destruction of the forests, that are their homes? Or have they found other places to live? An Irish gentleman, told me a story about the abandoned land near his grandmother's house. His grandmother lived on a vast piece of land near Dublin. This property had been in the family for generations, and the abandoned land with ruins was part of  the family property. However, due to rumours no one ever went near it. The children were told, it was inhabited by unfriendly  faeries . So, completely indoctrinated in the Irish beliefs of the wee people, no one ever ventured near. Odd sounds were heard f...

A Love Spell

Acknowledgements to for the image Love spells are something we are all familiar with. We have heard about them in faery tales, wished we could cast one on our first crush, and been warned about them by superstitious relatives. I even found a book with love spells in the local library. The cover was pretty but the inside contained some scary stuff. (I never borrowed it, too much bad mojo.) Talking about the existence of spells, with a work colleague last month, she told me about a love spell that had been cast on her brother. When my colleague lived in Albania,( lets call my college Claire ,her brother Dave and the girl Maree) her younger brother had a very possessive girlfriend. The girl was completely in love, and utterly obsessed with Dave. She never let him out of her sight. Needless to say, she went almost everywhere with him, and got angry if he ate at his mother's house when she had prepared dinner. Like with all young men, t...

Angels and Demons

Acknowledgements to for the image.  If you believe in God, surely you must believe in Angels and Demons. The question is though; are they here on earth? Can we see them? Will they help or harm us? The following is a story from a nursing student working in an old hospital. Night duty, has been the the fear of most new nurses. Training hospitals are old, creaky and pretty much scary at night. Worst of all, is the one hour break that the 'in-charge nurse' takes, and then you're alone. Alone with the sleeping patients and the sounds of the night. The night-shift for this young nurse was pretty ordinary, buzzers to answer and the usual rounds. A cat came into that night, which was always a bad sign. There have been legends, of cats being 'The Guardians of the Gates of the Underworld' . They apparently send the creatures of the night back to where they come from. The young nurse, chased the cat out of the ward . After her shi...

Lady in White

Acknowledgements to for the image The legends of The lady in White has been past down through time. Most men I have spoken to have either heard the story or experience something first hand. Even the first episode of the popular television series Supernatural, had a rendition of the Lady in White. That first episode scared me so much I never watched another episode. However, I heard a story that was even more frightening. A friend of mine told me about an incident involving her brother. Let's call him Jake. Jake and his friends being in their twenties, went out to a night club and had a few drinks. They left late, and being in a mood for anything dangerous, took the long road home. An isolated road, that not many people used at night, due to the stories rumours of usual experiences after dark. Shortly after getting on to the road, they saw a woman walking at the side of it. She was bare foot and wore a flowing dress. They slowed do...

Spiritual Healers

Acknowledgements to for the image. After talking about fortune tellers and ancestors I remembered an experience I had with a spiritual healer. Being a Hindu, I have seen a few spiritual healers, with some I have definitely had my doubts about whether they were genuine. However this one lady definitely appeared reputable. She gave spiritual advice every Tuesday morning. She would begin at 6am and not take a break until the last person was gone.Being elderly this was no easy task ,and there were several people, most Tuesdays she finished at 3pm. Definitely a dedicated lady. She would also, as a general rule, never tell you something negative, merely give you a prayer to say, or a few words on paper, to guide you away from ill fate. The reason I thought she was genuine, was the emotion I felt when she told me my fate. I was overcome by a feeling of intense enliftment so strong that I cried. She told me to pray for my fath...

Are ancestors protectors?

I have often wondered about the African Ancestors. Living in South Africa for most of my life, I've heard about the how the African people pray to their ancestors. Even though Christianity has become rife in this part of the world the ancestor is not forgotten. People have ceremonies in which they pray to their ancestors and tie cow hide strings to keep them safe from the darkness of our world. Nevertheless are these ancestors guides in life or in death. I have often wondered this especially after hearing this chilling tale. A friend of mine worked in a small town hospital in South Africa, and one night, she was placed in the paediatric wing with a very sick child. The child's condition had been progressively getting worse, and all types of treatments where failing. The mother, who was constantly with the child for the past few days, was given a bed in the ward next door. So, after a long day she retired just before midnight. Midnight,  was not only an ominous ho...

Palmistry and Fortune tellers

Have you ever had you fortune read? Did you believe what the fortune teller told you? I don't know if all fortune tellers are credible but I do know that some hit it on the mark. Three years ago I had my fortune read by a lovely lady of Romanian descent, at a flea market. She read the lines on my palm, and told me the job I did was bad for my soul and that I should never had stopped studying what I did. Nevertheless, life happens, and it seems we sometimes move away from our destinies. However, she said I would study , get a degree and the job that followed would be better. I didn't believe a word she said. However a few months after I saw her I decided to start writing a book and went for a novel writing course. I then noticed something odd on my palm, the line that stopped abruptly when I stopped studying began to grow until it spanned to the end of my palm. I started a degree last year, and the line, faint at first got darker. So am...

Spells and Witchcraft

Acknowledgements to for image Witchcraft is something everyone has heard of. We all know about the witch trials and the burning of witches in the 18th Century. However it seems that witchcraft never ended with the trials. Feng shu the usage of colours and positioning of objects, professes to channel energy in positive ways. Is this a type of witchcraft?  I also found several books in the local library on the matter, with spells no less. The covers look pretty, but inside there are some pretty detailed spells. One love potion as I recall, asked for rose petals to be placed in a particular place in the a beloveds underwear draw( amongst some other things).Some books look pretty on the outside but actually contain some scary spells. When talking about the existence of spells, a young Fijian lady told me about a spell that had been cast on her in her teens. She had been 16, and being a pretty girl was coveted by several...

Do you believe in ghosts?

D Do you believe in ghosts? I never really believed in ghosts as a child. They were just the scary things in horror movies. My mother always told me movies were make-believe so in my mind so to were the ghosts. However as I got older and started working in hospitals, I heard the freakish of things. I never saw one myself but the stories I heard definitely made the hair all over my arms stand up. This is the most recent story I heard last night told my a reputable source with witnesses: A 40 something lady working in an Australian facility for several years stated she had seen a ghost of an elderly man several weeks after he had died. She was busy attending to her patients as she noticed a tall man walking around barefoot wearing a white hospital gown. When she walked closer, the man slipped through a barely opened door. She stopped in her tracts the moment she realised she had just seen a ghost. The man she saw fitted the description of someone w...

Strange but true

Strange but true.... When I was a child of 11 I won a book prize at the end of the year called 'Strange but true facts'. It was the most interesting and most frightening book I ever had. It contained snatches of newspaper articles from around the world with people professing to have seen vampires, faeries, gods and all sorts of supernatural things. I would read a stories and then hide under my blankets hoping the monster would not get me in my bed. Luckily it was a wrought iron bed.... According a lot of literature faeries are allergic to iron. How far that saves us humans from their practical jokes we may never know. However if you ger up with your hair all tied up or have horrific dreams it  may be an idea to invest in an iron bed. Chs  Nivi