Palmistry and Fortune tellers

Have you ever had you fortune read? Did you believe what the fortune teller told you? I don't know if all fortune tellers are credible but I do know that some hit it on the mark. Three years ago I had my fortune read by a lovely lady of Romanian descent, at a flea market. She read the lines on my palm, and told me the job I did was bad for my soul and that I should never had stopped studying what I did. Nevertheless, life happens, and it seems we sometimes move away from our destinies. However, she said I would study , get a degree and the job that followed would be better. I didn't believe a word she said. However a few months after I saw her I decided to start writing a book and went for a novel writing course. I then noticed something odd on my palm, the line that stopped abruptly when I stopped studying began to grow until it spanned to the end of my palm. I started a degree last year, and the line, faint at first got darker. So am I back on my path? Maybe. Was the fortune teller genuine? I'm inclined to say she was. So if ever in doubt ,of your destiny it may be a good idea to consult someone with knowledge of the astral plane.

Acknowledgements to  for the image


  1. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!


    1. Thank you. I only write what rings true...Nivi


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