Spells and Witchcraft

Acknowledgements to freewiccaschool.com for image

Witchcraft is something everyone has heard of. We all know about the witch trials and the burning of witches in the 18th Century. However it seems that witchcraft never ended with the trials. Feng shu the usage of colours and positioning of objects, professes to channel energy in positive ways. Is this a type of witchcraft?

 I also found several books in the local library on the matter, with spells no less. The covers look pretty, but inside there are some pretty detailed spells. One love potion as I recall, asked for rose petals to be placed in a particular place in the a beloveds underwear draw( amongst some other things).Some books look pretty on the outside but actually contain some scary spells.

When talking about the existence of spells, a young Fijian lady told me about a spell that had been cast on her in her teens. She had been 16, and being a pretty girl was coveted by several available men on the island. This did not fall very well with all of her female family members, as some also had daughters that they wished to marry off.

Suddenly, the young lady developed a facial rash, with symptoms of malaise and always felt cold. Her mother took her to several doctors, but no cream or ointment could stop the rash. The young lady got sicker by the day, and the mother afraid for her daughters life consulted a traditional priest. The priest told her that her daughter was under a spell, performed by a family member and she would die if the spell was not re-directed. The mother did not believe this a at first. So the priest said that there was a dead woman that called on their house every night and 2am. The woman would knock on the door and this is what called her daughter to death. The mother stayed up that night, and heard a knock at the time.When she opened the door no one was there.This happened on the next night as well. Finally convinced her daughter was under a spell, she followed the priests instructions and a return spell was cast.After a few days her daughter started getting better and there were no further knocks on the door. A little girl in her cousins family came down with the same condition but could not be cured. She died a few weeks later.

I never thought too much of this story, until I came across some literature on Morgan Le Fey. There was a case identical that Morgan helped cure centuries ago. That was when I realised that the Fijian girls story may not be fiction.



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